Face 2 Face: Blind date workflow
Endless Editions
Grafični bienale
Kino Šiška

Face-To-Face: Blind Date

Kino Šiška – Komuna
12. -15. november

face - to - face / blind date

Delavnica in predstavitev rezultatov:
četrtek- nedelja, 12. -15. november (17:00- 21:00), Kino Šiška
Predstavitev umetniške knjige projekta in del Endless Editions:
Petek, 24. november, MGLC/MOTO ob 18:00 (na ogled do 27.12.)

Kreativna izmenjava med umetniki in oblikovalci iz New York Cityja in Ljubljane v obliki štiridnevne delavnice v Kinu Šiška v Ljubljani in Endless Editions v New Yorku.

Pobudniki Bienala neodvisnih v povezavi z Endless Editions (iz New Yorka) pripravljamo drugo edicijo iz serije Face to Face dogodkov, ki bo tokrat povezal štiri umetnike, delujoče v New Yorku in Ljubljani.

Umetniki in oblikovalci bodo sodelovali na daljavo preko spletnega komuniciranja in live streama. Med potekom delavnice (november 12.-15.) bo vsak od umetnikov vključen v kolaborativni proces z umetnikom iz druge celine. Sodelovanja bodo potekala v različnih formatih, rezultati pa bodo predstavljeni v dveh knjigah omejene izdaje. Prva bo izdana kot barvno-tiskana Riso knjiga v New Yorku, druga pa bo izdana kot enobarni sitotisk v sodelovanju z Grafičnim bienalom v Ljubljani.

Obe knjigi bosta urejeni in izdani s strani obeh organizacij.

Organizacija Tretaroka, Grafični bienale, Kino Šiška in Endless Editions


Workshop and presentation of results:
Thursday – Sunday, November 12-15 ( 5pm to 9pm), Kino Šiška
Presentation of art book and works of Endless Editions:
Friday, November 24th, MGLC/MOTO at 6pm (on display until 27th November)

Creative exchange between artists and designers from New York City and Ljubljana in the form of four-day workshop at Kino Šiška in Ljubljana and Endless Editions in New York.

The Initiators of the Independent Biennial are collaborating with Endless Editions on a project that will include four artists working in New York City and Ljubljana, Slovenia.

All artists and designers will collaborate with each other remotely using web-based communication and streaming technology. During the course of the workshop (November 12-15) each artist involved will be creating a collaborative artwork with the artists on the other continent. These collaborations are expected to take on multiple formats. The documentation of each artworks will be compiled into two limited edition books: one will be produced as a full color Riso print book in NY, the other will be produced in monochrome silkscreen in collaboration with Biennial of Graphic arts in Ljubljana.

Both books will be edited and published by both organizations.

Organizations Tretaroka, Graphic Biennial, Kino Šiška and Endless Editions

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Sodelujoči umetniki in oblikolavci / Participating artists and designers: