Samostojna razstava v sklopu Bienala neodvisnih
Bunker – Argentinski park
26. – 30.11. (med 14.00 in 18.00)
Otvoritev: 26.11. ob 22.00
Preview: 13. November v sklopu festivala Sonica, predstavitev kompilacije ctrl+n v Bunkerju. Otvoritev 26.11. je del obletnice MoTe in zaključek Bienala neodvisnih.
LEALUDVIK je projekt v teku, ki sledi intimnem odnosu med Leo in Ludvikom skozi fotografijo in video. Od začetka njunega razmerja pred dvemi leti je raziskovanje in izkoriščanje pogleda skozi objektiv postalo značilno za samosvoje razumevanje kompleksnosti njune spolnosti.
Njuna umetniška praksa se napaja iz seksualnega fetišizma, BDSM scene in slasherjev. Z razkrojem spolnih vlog LEALUDVIK predstavljata svoj svet iz ženke in moške perspektive, oba sodelujeta kot žrtvi in napadalca, pri čemer pa je moški pogled običajno dominanten in ženski običajno podrejen. Naklonjenost je izražena skozi nasilna dejanja, grozo, užitek in bolečino, ki krepijo njuno ljubezen.
Razstava je hkrati zaključni dogode Bienala neodvisne ilustracije in rojstnodnevno praznovanje ob drugi obletnici MoTA Pointa. V MoTA Pointu se bo praznovanje pričelo s programom, ki naj zaenkrat ostane skrivnost, ob 22h pa se bomo preselili v bunker v Argentinskem parku, kjer se bomo preustili temačnim podobam ljubezni izpod prstov dua LEALUDVIK.
Produkcija: Tretaroka in MoTA
LEALUDVIK is an ongoing project following the intimate relationship between Lea and Ludvik through photography and video. When the couple started their romance two years ago, the exploration and exploitation of their sexuality through the camera became their distinctive way of understanding their complex sexuality.
The foundation of their artistic practice derives from sexual fetishism, BDSM scene and the slasher film, a sub-genre of the horror film. Dissecting the aforementioned foundations gender roles, LEALUDVIK present their world from a male and female perspective, both Ludvik and Lea take parts as the victim and the perpetrator, where the male gaze is dominant and female gaze is usually the submissive one.
LEALUDVIK ’s manifestation of affection for each other is displayed through the act of violence, horror, pleasure and pain, which strengthens their love.
The exhibition will conclude this years Independent’s Biennial and mark the second anniversary celebration for MoTA Point! The evening will start at MoTA Point with a secret program and at 10 PM, will move to the nearby Argentinski Park where we will be introduced to the dark portrait of love from duo LEALUDVIK.
Production: Treatroka and MoTA