Bratislav Milenković je freelance ilustrator. Živi in dela v Beogradu, Srbija. Diplomiral je na Fakulteti za uporabne umetnosti, smer ilustracija, prav tako v Beogradu. Njegov portfolio zajema dela in projekte za različne kliente kot so: the New York Times, Wired, Bloomberg Businessweek, Samsung, EasyJet, Adweek, Fast Company, Financial Times, Computer Arts, Cap&Design, Nautilus, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Beograd, itd. Njegova dela so bila uspešno razstavljena in predstavljena po Evropi, poleg tega pa tudi objavljena v različnih publikacijah.
Bratislav Milenkovic is a freelance illustrator. He is living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. He graduated at the illustration department of the Applied Arts Faculty in Belgrade. His portfolio contains projects for various clients, such as: The New York Times, Wired, Bloomberg Businessweek, Samsung, EasyJet, Adweek, Fast Company, Financial Times, Computer Arts, Cap&Design, Nautilus, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, etc. His works have been successfully exhibited throughout Europe, as well as published in numerous publications.