Mural Arts Residency Ljubljana
Miron Milić: City waterfall
Miron Milic

Miron Milić


Umetniška dela ilustratorja in oblikovalca Mirona Milića (1980) so izrazito realistična, njegova sposobnost animiranja prikazanega pa je včasih prav neverjetna in na meji z abstraktnim. Pogosto nam daje občutek, da smo v neposredni navzočnosti živečih vsebin. Poslikal je številne mestne fasade in je eden od bolj znanih in priljubljenih uličnih umetnikov. Mironova dela se skozi tematiko ironije in humorja v veliki meri dotikajo družbenega angažmaja.

Miron je bil letos izbrani avtor Mural Arts residency 2015, ki jo je gostila Kino Šiška v okviru transnacionalnega projekta mlade urbane kulture “what’s the deal?” (wtd). V sklopu projekta je ustvaril stensko poslikavo na fasadi Mahrove hiše ob ljubljanski tržnici.



Artworks of illustrator and designer Miron Milić (1980) are distinctly realistic, his ability to animate the depicted topic sometimes seeming quite unbelievable, bordering on the abstract. Viewers often get the impression of being positioned in the immediate presence of the living representations. One of the best known and most popular street artists, he has painted numerous urban façades. Ironic and humorous in character, Miron’s works largely verge on social commitment.

Miron was the selected author of this year’s Mural Arts residency, hosted by Kino Šiška as part of “what’s the deal?” (wtd) transnational youth urban culture project. As a part of the project Miron painted the blind house-front of the Mahr House next to the Ljubljana Market.
