15 min slave

21. 10. 2019 ob 18:15 / Kino Šiška

Na letošnjem 15 min slave se bosta predstavila srbska umetnika Nikola Božović Kolja & Vuk Ćuk.

15 minut so kratki dogodki Bienala neodvisnih (artist talks), katerih namen je spodbuditi dialog znotraj področja vizualnih praks z aktivno participacijo avtorjev, v obliki kratkih javnih predstavitev njihovih del (ki niso nujno povezane z ilustracijo, ampak se zelo široko dotikajo področij kreativnih industrij). Z dogodki 15 minut želimo predvsem omogočiti avtorski produkciji, da se predstavi širši javnosti in ima možnost svoje delo zagovarjati, predstaviti, misliti v interakciji z navzočimi. Kratke javne intervencije v obliki prezentacij želijo tudi vzpodbujati zanimanje za produkcijo, ki se dogaja v slovenskem prostoru, pozivati k odprti izmenjavi idej.

podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
koprodukcija: Kino Šiška, DobraVaga


Nikola Kolja Božovć (1975) graduated and won his master’s degree at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Works at the same faculty as senior lecturer. Member and one of the founders of the HYPE Group and the Art of Reality Association.

From 1999 starts exhibiting at independent and group exhibitions and collaborating with the Zvono Gallery, which presents him at international exhibitions and fairs of contemporary art in Vienna, Cologne and Moscow. Winner of the award for student drawing (1999), the Golden Palette award (2001) and White Angel (2001), as well as the honorary award Centro-periferia (the exhibition of eighteen selected young artists from the whole world, Federculure, Rome, 2007). Winner of The Pollock – Krasner Foundation scholarship (2011). Member of the Association of Visual Arts of Serbia.

His works can be found in the RADIX collection in Belgrade, at the Belgrade City Museum, at the Borusan Collection in Istanbul etc.

Vuk Ćuk (1987) has a Master Degree from Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. He also studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He is currently on his PhD studies, and a teacher-collaborator at the Faculty in Belgrade. He works in the medium of paintings, drawings, objects, sculpture, and digital art. He exhibited his works in more than 30 group and 8 solo shows, in Serbia, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, USA, China, Denmark and Germany.