Dejan Kralj je ilustrator, grafični oblikovalec in animator. Ukvarja se pretežno skomercialno ilustracijo. Njegove ilustracije se pojavljajo na embalažah, plakatih, v revijah,v oglasih, igrah in animiranih filmih. Vzporedno ves čas samostojno ustvarja. Navdih išče vljudskem izročilu, mitologiji in psihologiji.Leta 2022 je na mednarodnem festivalu Ilustrofest v Beogradu prejel glavno nagrado zanajboljšega ilustratorja festivala.
Dejan Kralj is an illustrator, graphic designer and animator. His main profession is commercial illustration. His illustrations appear in packaging, posters, magazines, advertisements, games and animated films. In parallel, he creates independently all the time. His inspiration comes from folklore, mythology and psychology.
In 2022, at the international festival Ilustrofest in Belgrade, he received the main prize for the best illustrator of the festival.