Boris Beja (1986) je diplomiral na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani, smer grafična tehnika in na oddelku za kiparstvo Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani, 2013. Svoje delo je predstavil na številnih razstavah mdr. U3. 8. Trienale sodobne umetnosti, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (2016); Pogledi na slovensko kiparstvo 1975–2015, Mestna galerija, Piran (2016); Raztezanje kiparskih struktur, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana (2014).
Za svoje delo je prejel več nominacij in nagrad. Živi in ustvarja v Ljubljani.
Pri projektu sodelujejo: ERASMUS +, Mladinski center ZAGORJE OB SAVI, Pionirski dom – Center za kulturo mladih
Boris Beja (1986) first graduated in 2009 from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering from Graphic Communications, University of Ljubljana and then graduated again in 2013 from Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana. He has had a number of individual exhibitions and has collaborated on several group ones. He has received some awards, among them the 2012 Prešeren Student Award for sculpture and, in the same year, the highest award for a contribution to the sustainable development of our society, the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund. Beja is also a critic and a curator. In his work, he unites various visual practices into an aestheticized, direct address with an emphasis on social criticism. From 2010 to 2013, he was writing articles on the subject of culture for the web portal Planet He was nominated for the OHO Group Award in 2015 and 2016. He has presented himself in many solo and group exhibitions. From the beginning of 2014 until autumn 2017 he worked at Škuc Gallery as assistant of artistic director of Škuc Gallery. He lives and work in Ljubljana.