Petja Kolenko je rojena leta 1994 v Murski Soboti. Leta je 2021 je na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani magistrirala iz likovne pedagogike. Aktivna je na različnih področjih, ukvarja se z grafičnim oblikovanjem, sodeluje pri organizaciji različnih festivalov, izvaja različne likovne delavnice ter oblikuje unikatne modne dodatke in nakit. Do sedaj se je predstavila na številnih skupinskih ter samostojnih razstavnih projektih tako doma kot v tujini. Ideje za motive svojih del črpa iz besedil popularnih pesmi, katerih vsebino likovno prevaja kot dobesedno ilustracijo ali upodablja glede na osebno doživljanje. Z izbranimi glasbenimi deli, ki jih likovno opisuje, se intimno istoveti, preko njih komunicira z okolico, izraža telesna in čustvena stanja ter asociacije na skrite želje ali spomine, zato lahko dela označimo tudi kot avtoportrete. Prvenstveno se ukvarja in izraža s tehniko kolaža iz termično (z likalnikom) obdelanih odpadnih plastičnih mas (plastične vrečke, folije, embalaža), kjer se uporaba materiala PVC plastike oz. vinila kaže kot dodatna glasbena asociacija, ki izpostavlja relacijo med vinilom kot materialom glasbenih medijev (gramofonske plošče) in likovnim materialom.
Petja Kolenko was born 1994 in Murska Sobota. In 2021 she graduated from art education at Faculty of Education. She is active in various fields, engaged in graphic design, organization of various festivals, conducts various art workshops and designs unique fashion accessories and jewelry. Until now, she presented herself in numerous group and solo exhibitions projects home and abroad. She draws the ideas for the motives of hew works form lyrics of her favorite songs and artistically translates the content of these either as a literal illustration or according to my personal experience. Selected artistically depict musical works serve as a mean of intimate identification and communication with her surroundings, associations of hidden desires and expression of physical and emotional states – therefore the work could be label as self-portraits. She primarily works and expresses herself in the technique of collage made from thermally (using and iron) treated plastic waste such as plastic bags, foils and packaging, where the use of PVC plastic or vinyl material is reflected as an additional music association highlighting the relationship between vinyl as a material od music medias (gramophone records) and art material.