Ana Maraž
Anamari Hrup
Andrej Praznik
Andrej Štular
Boris Beja
Ema Kobal
Ena Jurov
Lara Jeranko Marconi
Lene Lekše
Maja Poljanc
Marta Frei
Martin Ramoveš
Matic Babič
Mia Paller
Monika Slemc
Nina Kovačič
Nina Koželj
Nina Mrđenović
Patrik Dvorščak
Petja Kolenko
Sangara Perhaj
Tia Friedel
Veronika Vesel Potočnik
Vladislava Savic

Nina Mrđenović

Nina Mrđenović (roj. 1989) je študij Likovne pedagogike v Ljubljani končala z diplomskim delom na temo abstraktne ilustracije. Po študiju se je nekaj časa zadržala pri ilustriranju slikanic za otroke, dokler se ni resneje začela ukvarjati s keramiko, ki je trenutno njena primarna podlaga za vso likovno izražanje. Zanimajo jo integracije med besedilom in vizualnim ter vse možnosti upodabljanja teh povezav.


Nina Mrđenović (born 1989) completed her studies in Art Pedagogy in Ljubljana with a bachelor thesis on the topic of abstract illustration. After graduating, she spent some time illustrating children’s picture books, until she started to shift her focus on ceramics, which is currently her primary basis for all artistic expression. She is interested in the integrations between text and the visual and all the possibilities of depicting these connections.