Ana Maraž
Anamari Hrup
Andrej Praznik
Andrej Štular
Boris Beja
Ema Kobal
Ena Jurov
Lara Jeranko Marconi
Lene Lekše
Maja Poljanc
Marta Frei
Martin Ramoveš
Matic Babič
Mia Paller
Monika Slemc
Nina Kovačič
Nina Koželj
Nina Mrđenović
Patrik Dvorščak
Petja Kolenko
Sangara Perhaj
Tia Friedel
Veronika Vesel Potočnik
Vladislava Savic

Nina Koželj

Nina Koželj (1985) je vizualna umetnica, ki deluje na področju kiparstva in grafike. Po končani Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo se je vpisala na Oddelek za likovno pedagogiko Pedagoške fakultete v Ljubljani. Med študijem je asistirala kot demonstrator pri predmetu keramika pri prof. Mirku Bratuši ter pri predmetu grafika pri prof. Črtomirju Frelihu. Pod njunim mentorstvom je študij leta 2016 tudi končala.
V preteklih letih je imela številne skupinske in samostojne razstave doma in v tujini, v letu 2016 pa je sodelovala tudi na trienalu sodobne slovenske umetnosti U3 v Moderni galeriji. V letu 2010 je prejela štipendijo švicarske fundacije Vordemberge-Gildewart, 2014 nagrado za najboljše delo avtorja, starega do 35 let, na 49. mednarodnem ex-temporu Piran. V svojih delih raziskuje področje strahu in humorja. Živi in dela v Stahovici nad Kamnikom.


Nina Koželj is an artis from Slovenia born in 1985. She works in the field of sculptur and printmaking. After completing her studies at the Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana, she enrolled on the Art Pedagogy degree at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana in 2005. In recent years she has had several solo and group exhibitions, most of which were selected by jury. In 2010 she was the recipient of the Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation Award for her print/ceramic installation “The Game“. In 2011 she represented Slovenia in XVI. Deutsche internationale grafik Triennale Frechen, in Germany, 2014 she recive the prize for the best young author in Extempore Piran and in 2016 she participate on U3 – triennale of contemporary art in Galery of Modern Art in Ljubljana (curated by Boris Groys). The subject of her study is human fear an humour in visual art. She lives and works in Stahovica near Kamnik.


Sofinancer projekta za Bienale neodvisnih je Občina Kamnik.