Nina Kovačič (1984) se je po končani gimnaziji Franca Miklošiča v Ljutomeru odločila za študij fizike na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 2008 tudi diplomirala. Čeprav je že tekom študija čutila, da ta pot morda ni prava, je s fiziko vseeno vztrajala do konca, tudi po diplomi še nekaj let. Konec leta 2012 je svet fizike dokončno zapustila, delala kot natakarica in večino časa preživela v iskanju tistega nečesa “tapravega”, kar bi v življenju z veseljem počela. Skozi leta jo je življenje po zanimivem spletu okoliščin le pripeljalo do ilustracije, kateri se je konec leta 2017 popolnoma posvetila. Danes živi in ustvarja v Ljubljani, udejstvuje se predvsem na področju otroške ilustracije. Inspiracijo išče v vsakdanjem življenju, čutnih trenutkih, drobcih sreče. Večinoma dela digitalno, črno bele motive rada zriše na roke. Posebno zadovoljstvo ji predstavlja ustvarjanje ilustracij za razglednice in voščilnice, za katere želi, da so drugačne, napredne, z odmikom od tradicionalnih, klasičnih motivov. Njena zbirka danes obsega že več kot 100 motivov.
After finishing the Franc Miklošič Gymnasium in Ljutomer, Nina Kovačič decided to study physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana, where she also graduated in 2008. Already during her studies, she felt that this path may not be right for her, but nonetheless she stuck with it for quite some time, even after graduation. In 2012 she left physics behind, worked as a waitress and spent most of her time seeking her true calling. An interesting set of circumstances then brought her to the world of illustration, where she found her true passion and has completely devoted herself to the field since 2017. Today, she is living and creating in Ljubljana, her primary focus being children’s illustration. She seeks inspiration in everyday life, honest moments, rays of happiness. She mostly works digitally, but from time to time she also likes to draw something by hand, mostly in black and white. She especially enjoys creating illustrations for greeting cards. She strives to make them different, progressive, moving away from traditional, classic motifs. Today, her collection encompasses more than 100 motifs.