Ana Maraž
Anamari Hrup
Andrej Praznik
Andrej Štular
Boris Beja
Ema Kobal
Ena Jurov
Lara Jeranko Marconi
Lene Lekše
Maja Poljanc
Marta Frei
Martin Ramoveš
Matic Babič
Mia Paller
Monika Slemc
Nina Kovačič
Nina Koželj
Nina Mrđenović
Patrik Dvorščak
Petja Kolenko
Sangara Perhaj
Tia Friedel
Veronika Vesel Potočnik
Vladislava Savic

Martin Ramoveš

Martin Ramoveš se je rodil 12. marca 1989 v Kranju. Po umetniški gimnaziji na ljubljanski Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo se je vpisal na študij likovne pedagogike na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Študij je zaključil leta 2015 in za diplomsko delo Pesem v stripu prejel fakultetno Prešernovo nagrado.
Po končanem študiju je kot avtor stripa dobil status samozaposlenega v kulturi – avtorja stripa.

Osredotočil se je na povezovanje stripa z glasbo in poezijo. Aktiven je namreč tudi kot kantavtor, zato je številne svoje pesmi predstavil tudi v obliki stripa. Rezultat tega dela so trije stripovsko glasbeni albumi. Zadnji med njimi, z naslovom Rob, predstavlja življenje in delo pesnika Ivana Roba. Je tudi avtor knjižnih ilustracij.

Z glasbeno skupino Martin Ramoveš Band je sodeloval številnimi glasbeniki in nastopil na festivalih, kulturnih prireditvah in v oddajah.


Martin Ramoveš was born on March 12, 1989 in Kranj. After graduating at Ljubljana Secondary School of Design and Photography, he enrolled the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana where he studied art education. He completed his studies in 2015 and received the Faculty Prešeren Award for his diploma thesis Lyrics in Comics.

After his diploma, he became a freelance artist – a comic book author. He focused on connecting comics with music and poetry. As a singer-songwriter, he uses comics to present many of his songs. The result of this work are three comic books accompanied by music albums. The last of them, entitled Rob, presents the life and work of the poet Ivan Rob. Martin is also the author of book illustrations.

As a singer and guitarist in Martin Ramoveš Band, he collaborated with different musicians and performed at festivals, cultural events, including TV and radio shows.